
DeskSets offer a smaller, more convenient size. Below are a few examples of some of the desk sets we offer. Please call for more information.

Secretary Deskbook

Item #: ED5620013
Size: 6 7/16 x 8 1/4
The Secretary Deskbook comes side-bound for the traditional check writer with 3-On-A-Page checks and a full-size register.

Personal-size checks are side-bound, 3-On-A-Page, Including check register and one-part deposit tickets Checkminder vinyl cover (#56201) sold separately

Cover for Secretary/Newport Deskbooks

Item #: ED5620100
Size: 7 7/8 x 8 3/4
Made of durable vinyl and looks like top-grain leather.

Matches the Secretary (#56200) and Newport (#56400) Desksets
Colors: Blue, Burgundy, Black